find your life purpose

The Powerful Day That Altered My Life Forever

In 2016, I conducted my own “Find Your Life Purpose” Experiment. The experiment altered my life forever.

In late 2015, I realised that I didn’t know my life purpose.

So I set up a “Find Your Life Purpose” Experiment. Why? I figured that the answers would the key to my happiness and true success.

I’m a bit of a nerd so I began with the following hypothesis: Does a life lived in alignment with a Purpose lead to greater meaning, success and happiness?

A Journey towards Life Purpose

I started to flesh out the experiment and set out to answer the following questions:

  • Who am I?
  • What is my unique story?
  • Can I clearly articulate my core values?
  • What am I passionate about?
  • Where does my genius lie?
  • What are the unique strengths and gifts that I bring to the world?
  • Do I have a “secret sauce” that no one can replicate? What is it?
  • What is my vision for my life?

After a few months, I still hadn’t figured out my purpose. I spent hours and hours and tens of thousands of dollars trying to figure out my “Why” and I travelled to various corners of the world and dived into books. I searched through my dreams, asking questions in my meditations and worked with coaches and healers. 

It was as if I was putting a giant jigsaw puzzle together but I was missing a few pieces of that puzzle.

My Oprah Moment

The day I figured out my life purpose was kinda dramatic.

As Oprah would say, I had an “Aha” moment where a series of events in the world around me came together and then the life/universe/whatever gave me a huge high-five for figuring it out.

The Morning

The morning I figured out my purpose, I was catching up with a friend, Chris. Over coffee, Chris asked me what my “lighthouse” was. I asked him what he meant by that and he replied, “Your lighthouse is the thing that guides you through your life.”

I thought about it for a moment and told him, “I’ve never really thought about it that way but I think my lighthouse is simply to enhance the lives of others and raise human consciousness.”

(Yes, this is the sort of stuff I discuss over a long black on a Wednesday morning.)

Saying those words out loud was an enormous step for me. It was such a big step that I had to call my friend Monica and tell her all about it.

The Afternoon

I explained to Monica that my exchange with Chris reminded me of a question that my life coach had asked me months earlier, “If you were to deliver a TED Talk, what topic would your talk be on?”

At the time, I had said “raising human consciousness and inspiring people to live life to their full potential.”

I got off the phone with Monica and caught the bus home, pondering these questions around Purpose the entire way home.

I jumped off the bus and started walking down my street and I then noticed a stranger on the side of the road looking at me.

As I walked past him, he blurted out a question, “Hey, what would your TED talk be about?”


I turned towards him, laughed out loud and responded, “RAISING HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS!!”.

And then I walked home. I didn’t even look back to see who the man was because I didn’t need to.

Finally home, I sat on the floor and just began to cry. The final piece of the puzzle had fallen into place.

Bizarre coincidence? Perhaps.

Or was it the powerful potential that arises in us when we start to tune into our Purpose and the Source of all that is? Quite possibly.


That day serves a powerful reminder for me on what happens when you start to live your life aligned with your vision, your values and your purpose.

Have I answered my own hypothesis and experiment? I’m still gathering data but I think it’s safe for me to suggest that living a life in alignment with your purpose leads to greater success and happiness in the hustle. How do I know? I’m living in alignment with my Purpose and I’m incredibly happy as a result.

The day that altered the course of my life is the reason why I love taking my clients through the Purpose Program and why I’m launching the Happiness the Hustle eCourse in April 2017.

L x

Comments 2

  1. Awesome article Lauren, I feel I have been on this same journey, like you, to find my Why….

    And now I have, I live each day yearning to enrich others lives whilst building relationships and helping people by using my strenghts, skills and expertise .

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