Thoughts // The Shaping of Destinies

My grandmother was forced to leave school and became a servant at 8. She cried and cried when they told her she couldn’t go back to school. My other grandmother gave birth to 9 children in poverty.

My father barely finished primary school. He never wanted to discuss his childhood.

My parents both emigrated to Australia from Croatia when they were 17 and 21 with only the clothes on their back and a few words of English.

Everyday my parents told me that I was very loved. They told me that I was brilliantly intelligent and that my options were endless. I believed them.

Every day I grew up watching my parents build their little empire. I saw them use adversity as a powerful tool for growth and transformation. I watched and learned.

I went to law school just to prove to myself that it was possible.

I became the first person in my family to become a lawyer…just to see if it was possible.

I build businesses and keep learning from my failures…just to see what’s possible.

I take risks and I live life on my own terms…to test the boundaries between “possible” and “impossible”.

I use the story of my parents and ancestors to fuel my fire….and remind myself….that ANYTHING is possible. How do you use your life story to shape your life?


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