Loren Trlin - Business Coach - Find Your Zone of Genius

The Key To Success And Fulfillment: Living Your Zone of Genius

Genius feels like a pipedream for most of us. We think of genius, as if it’s something that’s confined merely to the top 1%. It’s Albert Einstein and Margaret Thatcher. The rest of us can hope (at best) for something slightly better than mediocrity, right? Wrong. The difference between you and Steve Jobs or Maya Angelou is not whether you …

Loren Trlin - Business Coach - Find Your Purpose

10 Peculiar Questions That Help You Find Your Life Purpose

Have you ever met one of those people that seems they have it all together—as if there’s a flow to the river of life and they’ve somehow managed to ride it? She rarely ever worries. He’s always smiling. They live their life purpose. Everything works out for them. And then there you are… Admiring silently behind a digital wall, wondering …