Loren Trlin - Business Coach - Pain Becomes Your Power

Let Your Pain Become Your Power (A Story of Post Traumatic Growth)

A few years ago I was sitting in a coffee shop with my friend, M. She half-yelled at me as I was sobbing into my coffee: “Your pain is your power. You are a force to be reckoned with my love.” I didn’t believe her. How could she possibly think this depression, this grief was my power? How could she possibly …

Loren Trlin - Business Coach - Manifest Anything You Want In Life

You Can Manifest Anything You Want in Life with These 2 Things

In May of 2017, I was wandering around the streets of Manhattan—stumbling in and out of the city’s many cozy coffee shops, sitting in the park journaling, and pondering the meaning of life. A few weeks prior, on a gut instinct, I decided to pack up my life in Sydney and leave everything I owned in storage. I didn’t know …

Loren Trlin - Business Coach - Find Your Purpose In Your Twenties

Why You Need to Find Yourself in Your 20s

My thirtieth birthday is fast approaching and to be honest… I’m okay with it. I know that’s probably unpopular—I know I’m supposed to be worried that I’m getting “old” and that I should have my life sorted as I approach this important milestone.   But I was never one to do what I’m “supposed” to do. I prefer to not …

Thoughts // The Shaping of Destinies

My grandmother was forced to leave school and became a servant at 8. She cried and cried when they told her she couldn’t go back to school. My other grandmother gave birth to 9 children in poverty. My father barely finished primary school. He never wanted to discuss his childhood. My parents both emigrated to Australia from Croatia when they …

Surviving Loss in Your 20s

We meet regularly. This time we’re standing in his old office where the rooms are filled with memories. We embrace and spend (what feels like hours) together talking. I stare at him trying to absorb all of his features. The contours of his face, his smile, his hug. We walk together until he tells me that I’m not allowed to …

Confessions of An Investor: My Personal MBA

What’s Your Investment Strategy? Today I want to talk about my favourite investment strategy…that works. What kind of investment strategy do you have? What are you investing in? Do you work on your investment strategy daily? Do you take a long-term or short-term approach to your investments? What are you investing in? Is it shares, property or something else? The Forgotten …

find your life purpose

The Powerful Day That Altered My Life Forever

In 2016, I conducted my own “Find Your Life Purpose” Experiment. The experiment altered my life forever. In late 2015, I realised that I didn’t know my life purpose. So I set up a “Find Your Life Purpose” Experiment. Why? I figured that the answers would the key to my happiness and true success. I’m a bit of a nerd …

Happiness in the Hustle Lauren Trlin

A Powerful Pledge for an Epic New Year

Team, let’s make a pact for next year. In 2017 we pledge to do the following: Next year we’re going to live truthfully and only do the things that make us come alive. We’re going to figure out our PURPOSE and we’re going to design our life so that we really start living our WHY. We’re going to get brutally …