Loren Trlin - Business Coach - Pain Becomes Your Power

Let Your Pain Become Your Power (A Story of Post Traumatic Growth)

A few years ago I was sitting in a coffee shop with my friend, M. She half-yelled at me as I was sobbing into my coffee: “Your pain is your power. You are a force to be reckoned with my love.” I didn’t believe her. How could she possibly think this depression, this grief was my power? How could she possibly …

Loren Trlin - Business Coach - Manifest Anything You Want In Life

You Can Manifest Anything You Want in Life with These 2 Things

In May of 2017, I was wandering around the streets of Manhattan—stumbling in and out of the city’s many cozy coffee shops, sitting in the park journaling, and pondering the meaning of life. A few weeks prior, on a gut instinct, I decided to pack up my life in Sydney and leave everything I owned in storage. I didn’t know …

Loren Trlin - Business Coach - Find Your Purpose In Your Twenties

Why You Need to Find Yourself in Your 20s

My thirtieth birthday is fast approaching and to be honest… I’m okay with it. I know that’s probably unpopular—I know I’m supposed to be worried that I’m getting “old” and that I should have my life sorted as I approach this important milestone.   But I was never one to do what I’m “supposed” to do. I prefer to not …